Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ideas for Vegan Wedding?

I'm trying to work with my future wedding caterer to come up with a vegan wedding menu. It's really hard!

There are some ideas at VegNews, and while these all sound great, I still feel a little...uninspired. So...anyone have any favorite vegan foods? In particular, anything wedding-feast-worthy? I generally like stuff that's just "naturally" vegan, as opposed to meat substitutes or faux-cheese knockoffs (not that some of these aren't great, too).

I can't even decide on a theme - vegan soul food? Asian? Indian? Fusion? ARG! Any ideas at all would be very welcome. I must communicate with the caterer soon!

Edited to Add:It's June '09, and I am still open to ideas! I've heard from friends directly, but there's still plenty of time if anyone has thoughts. Oh, heck, I'll re-post along the way. What does it take to get people to comment?

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