Friday, July 10, 2009


In light of the recent goring during the running of the bulls, and the goring of a matador during a bullfight, maybe it is time to discuss the senselessness of torturing animals for sport?

I mean, look at this. The bull has been horribly wounded. The man has been horribly wounded. Unfortunately, the bull will be killed regardless of what happens in the ring. The whole thing is just a bloody, horrible tragedy. Why do this?

Bullfighting is one of the most indefensible types of animal abuse. The running of the bulls is part of this tradition, and while I respect traditions, I also think that they are constantly being adapted and re-created by new generations of people.

My hope is that as new generations take on the responsibility of carrying on these traditions, they might decline to practice such wanton cruelty. I think, at this point, people have demonstrated their triumph over other animals. Anyone can do whatever they want, to any animal, no matter how depraved and sick, and there will be little or no punishment. Congratulations. At this point in our civilization, what does it prove for a group of humans to stab an animal to death?

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